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Community Development

Planning & Zoning

The Spalding County Community Development Office is responsible for developing long and short range planning and zoning to guide the growth of the unincorporated areas of the county and the administration of regulations that implement these plans for growth.

A key role of the department is to maintain the Spalding County Comprehensive Plan, the central document used as a guide for the overall development of unincorporated Spalding County, providing goals and policy objectives for housing, economic development, natural and historic resources, community facilities, utilities, transportation, land use, and the Capital Improvement Element, and Short Term Work Program for the imposition of Impact Fees.

Spalding County requested a study on the transit system within the Griffin-Spalding Service Area to:

  • Improve mobility for employees, residents, and visitors of the service area
  • Relieve/prevent traffic congestion;
  • Reduce pollution
  • Contribute to economic development

Click here to get results of the Transit Feasibility study.

Spalding County Future Development Map

2019 DCA Analysis of Impediments or Assessment of Fair Housing Report

Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedule

Spalding County Planning Commission
Meets: Last Tuesday of each month
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Spalding County Board of Appeals for Zoning
Meets: Second Thursday of each month
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are held at: 
Spalding County Annex
Meeting Room 108
119 East Solomon Street
Griffin, GA 30223

Meeting Dates, Agendas, After Agendas & Minutes

Development in unincorporated Spalding county is regulated by the zoning functions of the Department primarily through the Spalding County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO contains the zoning districts allowed in the unincorporated area of the county. The Zoning District outlines the permitted and conditional uses that are allowed and the minimum dimensional requirements such as lot size and setbacks among other requirements. Applications for rezoning, variances, preliminary plats, final plats, and site plans are submitted to this Department. These applications are distributed throughout the other county departments for comments and scheduled for public hearings, if applicable.

This department maintains the County’s Official Zoning Map, making changes as approved by the Board of Commissioners. The department handles applications to rezone property and certificates of zoning compliance.

Provided below are links to additional information and forms:

Comprehensive Plan FLUM Amendment 
Appeals Application
Special Exception Application Form
Special Exception Form: Manufactured Homes in AR-1 & R5 
Variance Application Form 
Rezoning Application
Street Light Distribution Code 
Petition for Street Lighting

Spalding County, GA